FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Interview Questions 2023

FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Interview Questions 2023 For Electrical Engineers

FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Interview Questions 2023 For Electrical Engineers. In this post, we delve into a series of insightful interviews conducted for positions Electrical Engineers at FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company in 2023. These interviews provide a glimpse into the diverse topics covered, ranging from electrical engineering concepts to job-related discussions. Explore the questions asked and the candidates’ responses, offering valuable insights into the world of power distribution and the recruitment process at FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company.

FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Interview Questions 2023
FESCO Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Interview Questions 2023

here is a list of interview questions for candidates applying for a position at FESCO (Faisalabad Electric Supply Company) in 2023:

Interview 1:

  1. Brief Introduction
  2. What are you currently doing, and what have you been doing since graduation?
  3. Job-relevant questions
  4. Define an engineer.
  5. Explain the protection of a transmission line.
  6. How can power factor be improved?
  7. Define power factor.
  8. Explain the difference between power factor in AC and DC.
  9. What is a power system?
  10. Define active power and reactive power. Explain the role of reactive power.
  11. What are the voltage levels on the generation side?
  12. Discuss your Final Year Project (FYP).
  13. Explain induction motors.

Interview 2:

  1. Introduction
  2. What have you been doing since graduation? Current job and role?
  3. Have you ever visited a grid station?
  4. Explain the components you observed at the grid station.
  5. What types of transformers are there, and what are their purposes?
  6. Describe the protection of transmission lines.
  7. Explain power factor and how to improve it.
  8. What is the difference in power factor between AC and DC?
  9. Discuss the voltage levels on the generation side.
  10. When was the last blackout, and what was the cause?
  11. What is the historical name of Faisalabad, and why is it famous?
  12. Describe Faisalabad’s significance compared to a city in England.
  13. What do you know about Faisalabad’s markets, like 8 Bazar and Clock Tower?

Interview 3:

  1. Introduction
  2. Explain your Final Year Project (FYP).
  3. Share your job-related experiences.
  4. No technical questions, just a casual conversation.

Interview 4:

  1. Introduction
  2. What have you been doing since graduation? Current job and role?
  3. Have you ever visited a grid station?
  4. Explain the components you observed at the grid station.
  5. What types of transformers are there, and what are their purposes?
  6. Describe the protection of transmission lines.
  7. Explain power factor and how to improve it.
  8. What is the difference in power factor between AC and DC?
  9. Discuss the voltage levels on the generation side.
  10. When was the last blackout, and what was the cause?
  11. What is the historical name of Faisalabad, and why is it famous?
  12. Describe Faisalabad’s significance compared to a city in England.
  13. What do you know about Faisalabad’s markets, like 8 Bazar and Clock Tower?
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Interview 5:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the need for the power sector in Pakistan?
  3. Explain pole structures.
  4. Discuss the subjects you studied and topics related to one subject.
  5. Explain your FYP.
  6. Differentiate between circuit breaker and isolator.
  7. What is tariff?
  8. What are LT and HT in terms of electricity distribution?
  9. How is distribution voltage determined?
  10. What is CPPA (Central Power Purchasing Agency)?
  11. Can you name the departments of FESCO?

Interview 6:

  1. Introduction
  2. What are you currently doing?
  3. Explain how a president is elected.
  4. What is the tenure of a senator?
  5. Who is the chairman of the Senate?
  6. Discuss the role of distribution companies (discos).
  7. Who issues licenses to discos?
  8. Have you visited any grid stations? If yes, explain their functions.
  9. Define a bay.
  10. Explain single-line diagrams.
  11. What are the ratings of breakers in a grid?
  12. Describe the functions of distribution transformers and street transformers.
  13. Explain line losses and technical losses.
  14. Why do we generate at 11 kV but transmit at 220/500 kV?
  15. Define high voltage.
  16. Differentiate between a power transformer and a distribution transformer.
  17. What is super high voltage, and what are its ranges?
  18. Explain the role and duties of an SDO (Sub-Divisional Officer).

Interview 7:

  1. What is a power system?
  2. Explain transmission and distribution.
  3. What is the reciprocal of admittance?
  4. Discuss the courses you took during your bachelor’s degree.
  5. What are the responsibilities of an SDO?
  6. Does an SDO handle billing?
  7. What is an induction motor?
  8. How can losses be reduced on the distribution side?
  9. Who were Tesla, Volta, and Edison?

Interview 8:

  1. Provide a brief introduction.
  2. Where are you from, and what are you currently doing?
  3. Discuss relevant topics such as E=mc^2, Newton’s laws, and black holes.
  4. Explain what a light-year is.
  5. What is the value of gravity in a black hole?
  6. Mention the name of your university and your specialization.
  7. Have you studied power system protection?
  8. Explain transmission lines.
  9. Describe their protection methods.
  10. Explain the concept of distance relay.
  11. What is differential protection?
  12. Discuss protection zones.
  13. How many interviews have you attended?
  14. Explain the basic differences between circuit breakers and fuses.

Interview 9 and 10:

  1. Rolled foil
  2. Thickness of plates
  3. Number of conductors separated by an insulator
  4. Voltage decrease and current increase
  5. Dielectric material
  6. Material like ceramic
  7. Decay characteristics (exponential)
  8. Ferrite material
  9. Magnetic flux that doesn’t follow the designed path

Interview 11:

  1. Provide a brief introduction.
  2. Where are you from, and what are you currently doing?
  3. Discuss relevant topics such as E=mc^2, Newton’s laws, and black holes.
  4. Explain what a light-year is.
  5. What is the value of gravity in a black hole?
  6. Mention the name of your university and your specialization.
  7. Have you studied power system protection?
  8. Explain transmission lines.
  9. Describe their protection methods.
  10. Explain the concept of distance relay.
  11. What is differential protection?
  12. Discuss protection zones.
  13. How many interviews have you attended?
  14. Explain the basic differences between circuit breakers and fuses.
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Interview 12:

  1. Introduction
  2. Where are you from, and what have you been doing since graduation?
  3. Describe your current job and responsibilities.
  4. Have you ever worked with WAPDA? If yes, explain your experience.
  5. Why did you choose to apply to FESCO?
  6. Discuss your MS thesis and its relevance.
  7. Explain the roles and responsibilities of discos (distribution companies).
  8. What is the role of an electrical engineer at FESCO in the operations department?
  9. Describe the duties of an engineer in the operations department.
  10. Total interview duration.

Interview 13:

  1. Introduction
  2. What are you currently doing?
  3. Explain your Final Year Project (FYP).
  4. Describe your experiences related to the job.
  5. No technical questions, just a casual conversation.

Interview 14:

  1. Discuss a specific grid, such as the 220kV to 132kV NTDC grid.
  2. Are primary substations or secondary substations used in this grid?
  3. Describe the components observed at substations.
  4. Explain the breaker scheme being used.
  5. Why are two buses used, and what is the purpose of the third breaker?
  6. What was the old name of NTDC?
  7. Discuss the duties of an SDO.
  8. Differentiate between technical and non-technical losses.
  9. What are feeder and distribution losses?
  10. Explain the concept of entrepreneurship.
  11. What is a system operator?
  12. What is a maintenance operator?
  13. What was the old name of PEPCO, and what does it stand for?
  14. Is there any relationship between NTDC and NEPRA?

Interview 15:

  1. Brief Introduction
  2. If you become an SDO, how can you contribute to improvements?
  3. Explain the duties of an SDO.
  4. What relays are used on 132KV transmission lines?
  5. Describe the relays used on 11KV lines.
  6. Why is power generated at 11KV?
  7. Explain the concept of high voltage.
  8. What are the types of losses in the power system?
  9. Discuss your favorite subject.
  10. Name the capital of Spain.
  11. How many ayahs are there in Ayat ul Kursi?
  12. What is a power system, and provide details.
  13. How long does NEPRA set tariff rates for?
  14. What is CPPA (Central Power Purchasing Agency)?

Interview 16:

  1. Greet the candidate and request an introduction.
  2. Ask about their educational background.
  3. Inquire about their current job and responsibilities.
  4. Discuss differential transformer ratings.
  5. Explain distance and differential protection.
  6. Describe the duties of an SDO.
  7. Inquire about CPPA.
  8. Ask about NEPRA’s role in setting capacity factors.
  9. Name the president of China and the capital of Canada.
  10. Discuss distribution companies (discos).
  11. Inquire about electrical safety hazards.
  12. Wish them good luck.
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Interview 17:

  1. Introduction
  2. Explain the difference between earthing and grounding.
  3. Discuss surge arrestors and lightning arrestors.
  4. What is NPCC, and what is its relationship with RCC?
  5. How do you evaluate the power sector in Pakistan?
  6. Name the capital of Hungary and Switzerland.
  7. Ask about the fan office’s location and purpose.
  8. Inquire about the number of discos and gencos, including any new discos.
  9. Wish the candidate well.

Interview 18:

  1. Discuss power generation sources in your city, with a focus on nuclear energy.
  2. Explain the role of NTDC (National Transmission and Despatch Company).
  3. Describe wind power in detail and answer cross-questions.
  4. Discuss power quality.
  5. Inquire about the maximum rating of DTF (Distribution Transformer).
  6. Explain where tap changers are located in DTFs.
  7. Describe DTF protection.
  8. Discuss the responsibilities of an SDO and answer cross-questions.
  9. Explain energy meter working principles.
  10. Inquire about the candidate’s readiness to leave.
  11. Thank them.

Interview 19:

  1. Introduction
  2. Differentiate between earthing and grounding.
  3. Explain surge arrestors and lightning arrestors.
  4. Discuss NPCC (National Power Control Center) and its relationship with RCC (Regulatory Compliance Committee).
  5. How do you view the power sector in Pakistan?
  6. Name the capital of Hungary and Switzerland.
  7. Inquire about the fan office’s location and purpose.
  8. Discuss the number of discos and gencos, including any new discos.
  9. Wish the candidate well.

Interview 20:

  1. Introduction
  2. How can you contribute to improving the power system?
  3. What do you know about IPPs (Independent Power Producers)?
  4. Explain what you know about HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) and its conductors.
  5. Discuss composite and bundle conductors.
  6. Define a feeder.
  7. Explain where your area receives its electricity supply from.


“The information presented in this blog post has been compiled from various engineering professionals’ accounts on social media platforms. It is intended for informational purposes only and does not necessarily represent official statements or policies of the individuals or organizations mentioned. Readers are encouraged to verify and cross-reference information independently.”


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