Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO) Interview Questions 2023 For Electrical Engineers
GEPCO Interviews 2023, where compile a series of insightful interview experiences and questions faced by candidates. Join us as we dive into the world of Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO) interviews, where candidates share their encounters with technical questions, job-related discussions, and more. Discover the diverse range of topics covered in these interviews and gain valuable insights for your next interview preparation.”

here is a list of interview questions for candidates applying for a position at Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO) interviews in 2023:
Interview 1:
- Introduce yourself.
- Explain the Corona effect.
- Discuss the Skin effect.
- What is distance protection, and how is it different from overcurrent protection?
- Explain the functions of CT (Current Transformer) and PT (Potential Transformer). Provide a brief discussion.
- Why is the secondary of a CT short-circuited?
Interview 2:
- Introduction to GEPCO.
- Discuss job-related topics.
- Explain the types of distribution systems. Which one is considered better, and why?
- What are the advantages of a ring main system?
- No general knowledge questions.
Interview 3:
- Introduction.
- Why did you choose GEPCO?
- Compare GEPCO to other distribution companies (discos).
- Describe the types of transformers.
- Explain auto transformers and tertiary windings.
- Job-related discussion. No general knowledge questions.
Interview 4:
- Share your experience of the GEPCO interview on July 18, 2023.
- Discuss topics related to power transformers and auto transformers.
- Compare hydropower plants to thermal power plants.
- Explain what a grid is and discuss grid equipment.
- Share some basic knowledge about Pakistan’s history.
Interview 5:
- Discuss your experience in the GEPCO interview on July 19, 2023.
- Share your knowledge about power transformers and auto transformers.
- Explain diversity factor and its value compared to one.
- Discuss load factor.
Interview 6:
- Introduction (Sindh Rural).
- If you have freelancing experience, explain it and answer related questions.
- Define primary and secondary protection.
- Is there any difference between power transformer and transmission protection?
- Compare HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) and HVAC (High-Voltage Alternating Current). Discuss which one is cheaper and has lower losses.
Interview 7:
- Share your experience of the GEPCO interview on July 19, 2023.
- Discuss your job experience.
- Explain your current job, which is teaching.
- Answer math questions, such as who introduced algebra.
- Answer physics questions about obtaining nuclear energy, fission reactions, and the meaning of “C” in E=mc².
- Mention the power-related subjects you studied in electronic engineering.
Interview 8:
- Introduction (Sindh Rural).
- Discuss power transformers and their ratings.
- Explain what LT (Low Tension) and HT (High Tension) conductors are.
- How many conductors are typically on the LT side of distribution?
- What is connected at the point where HT and LT join?
- Describe the protection provided on a distribution transformer.
- Discuss frequency and its unit.
- Explain the voltage levels used in power transmission, including single circuit and double circuit.
- Ask if the candidate is willing to join GEPCO despite the distance from their home.
Interview 9:
- Introduction.
- Explain the types of distribution systems.
- Discuss methods to minimize losses in distribution systems.
- Explain the types of losses in electrical systems.
- General discussion.
Interview 10:
- Introduction to the GEPCO interview.
- Explain Lenz’s law.
- Discuss the working principle of motors and the law they operate on.
- Define work and power.
- Mention the unit of flux density.
- Explain the purpose of grounding.
- Define solid grounding.
- Describe what a lightning arrestor is.
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