School Education and Literacy Department Sindh Jobs 2023
If you are looking for Engineering and DAE jobs 2023 in Sindh then it this jobs offers at School Education and Literacy Department Sindh Jobs 2023
The Reform Support Unit (RSU), School Education and Literacy Department, Govt of the Sindh orders to strengthen the Project Coordination and enhance the overall efficiency of DEEP programs in Reform Support Unit, there is a need for increased human resource deployment (as consultants) on a short-term basis (consultants for initially one-year period or extendable) in order to effectively manage the extensive impact of the projects & programs in question. Short term consultants shall be hired on the required qualification and experience mentioned below.
Detail of PSchool Education and Literacy Department Sindh Jobs 2023
The Reform Support Unit (RSU), School Education and Literacy Department, Govt of Sindh, is seeking highly qualified and experienced individuals to join as Short-Term Consultants for DEEP programs. These consultants will play a crucial role in strengthening project coordination and enhancing the overall efficiency of the programs. Positions available include Engineer LGS Expert, Assistant Project Engineer LGS Expert, Electrical Engineer, Chief Quantity Surveyor LGS Expert, and Coordinator and Implementation Officer. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to educational reforms and make a significant impact in the education sector in Sindh, Pakistan.
Engineer LGS Expert
degree or equivalent (sixteen (16) years of educa- tion) in civil Engi- neering or related discipline, from a foreign or local university duly recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pa kistan.
Assistant Project Engineer LGS Expert
degree or equivalent (sixteen (16) years of educa- tion) in civil Engi- neering or related discipline, from a foreign or local university duly recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pa kistan
Electrical Engineer
A degree in Electrical Engineering or related discipline, from• a foreign or local university duly recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.
Chief Quantity Surveyor LGS Expert
A degree In civil Engineering or DAE Civil Engineering, from a foreign or local|• university duly recognized by the Higher Education Commission. (HEC) of Pakistan.
Coordinator and implementation Officer
At least Master of Arts in Leader- ship in Education from a foreign or local university duly recognized by the Higher Education Com- mission (HEC) of Pakistan.
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How to Apply forSchool Education and Literacy Department Sindh Jobs 2023
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Failing to meet required qualification and experience mentioned above shall be disqualified.
The consultant is expected to, but not limited to, do work in accordance with the TORS can be downloaded from website address: or obtained from RSU office.
CVs against the Request for Expressions of interest in all respects must be delivered in written form to the address below (in person, or by mail: up to July,07th, 2023 but not later than this date and shall clearly indicate the Position for apply.
Reform Support Unit (RSU), SE&LD, Govt of Sindh Attn.: Junaid Hameed Samo, Chief Program Manager, RSU Building No.47-E/1 -48th Street, Block -06 PECHS, Nursery Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi Tel: +92 21 34304441
E-mail:, Website: