Latest WAPDA Jobs June 2023 Apply Online

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Latest WAPDA Jobs June 2023 Apply Online

Latest WAPDA Jobs June 2023 Apply Online. Wapda Jobs 2023! If you are seeking employment opportunities in the esteemed organization of Wapda, this is your chance to apply online and secure a promising career. The Wapda Jobs 2023 advertisement has been released, outlining a plethora of vacancies in various regions, including Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), and Faisalabad.

To apply for Wapda Jobs 2023, the online application method is the most convenient and efficient way. Simply visit the official website and Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before filling the prescribed application form available on M/s OTS website ( the step-by-step instructions to submit your application. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of Wapda Jobs, as the last date to apply is approaching fast.

For those who missed the opportunity earlier, Wapda Jobs 2023 is your chance to fulfill your aspirations. Both the advertisement and online application process are available to candidates, providing ample time to apply and showcase your skills.

To excel in your Wapda Jobs application, it’s crucial to be aware of the test pattern. Prepare yourself by familiarizing yourself with the test pattern, which will help you understand the structure and requirements of the recruitment process.

Don’t delay! Apply for Wapda Jobs june 2023 today and secure a promising future. The last date to apply is approaching quickly, so make sure to submit your online application before the deadline. Join Wapda and become a part of an organization committed to the development of Pakistan’s power and water sectors.

Latest WAPDA Jobs June 2023 Apply Online
Latest WAPDA Jobs June 2023 Apply Online
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For those who missed the opportunity earlier, Wapda Jobs 2023 is your chance to fulfill your aspirations. Both the advertisement and online application process are available to candidates, providing ample time to apply and showcase your skills.To excel in your Wapda Jobs application, it’s crucial to be aware of the test pattern. Prepare yourself by familiarizing yourself with the test pattern, which will help you understand the structure and requirements of the recruitment process.Don’t delay! Apply for Wapda Jobs june 2023 today and secure a promising future. The last date to apply is approaching quickly, so make sure to submit your online application before the deadline. Join Wapda and become a part of an organization committed to the development of Pakistan’s power and water sectors.

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How to Apply for WAPDA Jobs June 2023

Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before filling the prescribed application form available on M/s OTS website (

The advertisement is also available on WAPDA’s website (
General Conditions & Instructions:
•Written test shall be conducted by M/S OTS & interview will be conducted by WAPDA
• The initial appointment shall be on probation for a period of 01 year.
• General age relaxation has already been included in the age limit. 03 years age relaxation shall be admissible to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, Recognized Tribes of Tribal Areas, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. 03 years of age relaxation shall also be admissible to candidates belonging to Sindh (Rural) and Balochistan for the posts of BPS-15 & below only.
• 10 years of age relaxation shall be admissible to disabled persons applying against disabled quota.
• Govt. / WAPDA employees who have completed 02 years continuous service on the closing date of receipt of application shall be admissible 10 years age relaxation upto the age of 55 years.
Age will be calculated as on last date of receipt of applications.
•Only children of WAPDA employees are entitled to apply against the quota reserved for WAPDA Employees Children.

The children of employees of DISCOS, GENCOs, NTDC etc. are not entitled to apply against WAPDA Employees Children Quota.
• The candidates already serving in WAPDA shall apply through WAPDA HR Division and submit requisite NOC / permission.
• Candidates applying under WAPDA Employee Children Quota (ECQ) must submit the following requisite documents at the time of interview:
Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper from WAPDA Employee and Certificate from the concerned WAPDA office that no son / daughter has already been employed under WAPDA ECQ in the past.
Documentary proof of employment of Father / Mother in WAPDA
• Govt. employees may apply through proper channel and submit requisite NOC / permission.
• Educational Certificates / Degrees must be verified from HEC Recognized Universities / Concerned Boards / Institutes.
• Original documents shall be presented by the candidates at the time of interview.
• The candidates who have been weeded out of service on disciplinary ground as well as dismissed or debarred for future employment
•No TA/ DA will be admissible to candidates for test/interview.
•Applications carrying incomplete/incorrect information or received after last date shall be rejected.
• Any information found bogus at any stage during induction or later in service shall result in termination thereof.
How to Apply:
• Candidates may visit M/s OTS website ( for registration and submission of applications within 15 days of publication of advertisement.
• Candidates shall pay test fee of Rs. 200/- to OTS. Test fee shall be paid in any Branch of Bank Alfalah, HBL or ABL on prescribed Bank Challan form downloadable from website:
• Candidate must specify the post & office against which he/she is applying.
• Candidates are required to send complete prescribed application form along with attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC and relevant documents/ experience certificates, two recent passport size photographs as well as original fee Challan through courier service / Pakistan Post etc. to; Manager Operations (WAPDA) Open Testing Service, Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-VI, Islamabad.
•After applying for post(s), applicants are advised to regularly check Testing Agency’s website: for important announcement (procedure for roll number slip/written test schedule / result etc.) related to recruitment against applied posts.
• For any information / query regarding application, test, roll no. slip, test center, result etc., candidates may contact OTS at +92 051 111 687 222 or

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